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Sargam Mishra

Sargam is a Certified Pranic Healer and an Arhatic Yogi from Yoga Vidya Pranic Healing Trust Manila she has been succesfully doing healings and helping people with physiological and psychological issues.​ She is blessed with extraordinary energy scanning abilities and can feel the energy field with her hands. (You have to experience it to believe it)


She loves to work with crystals for healing chakras and cleansing auras and has interest in Shadow Work, Crystals healing ,Tarot, Belavaspata Healing, Law of Attraction , EFT (Tapping Solution), Qi Gong and loves to read books on spirituality and self help.


She is associated with Social Organizations and wants to work for the good of humanity through her work in this field. She is keen to collaborate with organizations on work related to corporate mentoring and coaching.


She loves to express her views by way of blogs and is planning to write her own book and also designing her own programs on health and motivation.


She has a new found passion for dance fitness and she is also a licensed Zumba Instructor .She is very fond of travelling and meeting people at a young age she has travelled the globe thanks to her corporate job and her enthusuiastic life partner.


For Sargam this is just a beginning and the best is yet to come :) so stay tuned


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